Sales Order Voucher

This voucher include all the details of the sales order vouchers.


Invoice Details

Voucher date

This is the sales order voucher date.

Voucher No

This is the sales order voucher number.

For Branch

This is to select the name of the branch associated with the sales order voucher.

Supply Branch

This is to select the name of the supply branch associated with the sales order voucher.

Expected Delivery Date

This is the expected date of delivery.


This is to select the name of the pricelist associated with the sales order voucher.


This is to select the location of the branch associated with the sales order voucher.

Delivery Address

This is the delivery address of the location.

Delivery State

This is to select the name of the state associated with the sales order voucher.


This is to select the name of the incharge person associated with the sales order voucher.


This is a field to enter any additional information or remark regarding this sales order voucher.

Paid Amount

This is the amount paid for the specific sales order voucher.

Balance Amount

This is the balance amount to be paid for the specific sales order voucher.

Net Amount

This is the net amount for the specific sales order voucher.

Tax Amount

This is the tax amount for the specific sales order voucher.

Final Amount

This is the final amount for the specific sales order voucher.


Accounted To


This is to select the name of the party associated with the specific sales order voucher.


This is the address of the party associated with the specific sales order voucher.


This is the license of the party associated with the specific sales order voucher.


This is to select the state name of the party associated with the specific sales order voucher.


Delivery Details

Delivery Only After Sales Billing

Select the check box for delivery only after sales billing.

Take away

Select the check box for take away.

Pack and Take away

Select the check box for pack and take away.

Pack and Delivery

Select the check box for pack and delivery.

Schedule Date and Time

Select the check box for schedule date and time.

Delivery Channel

Select the check box for delivery channel.


Select the check box for cash on delivery.


Mapped Bills

Thia is the mapped bills associated with the sales order voucher.


Item Details

Item Code

This is the unique item code associated with the items in the sales order voucher.

Item Name

This is the name of the item in the sales order voucher.

Branch Requested

This is the name of the branch which requested the items in the sales order voucher.

Branch Supply

This is the name of the branch to which the items needs to be supplied.

Delivery Date

This is the date of the delivery of the items in the sales order voucher.


This is to provide any additional information or narration to the particular item in the sales order voucher.


This is the quantity of the item in the sales order voucher.

P.O pending Qty

This is the pending quantity of the item in the sales order voucher.


This is the unit of the item in the sales order voucher.


This is the rate of the item in the sales order voucher.

Gross Amount

This is the gross amount of the item in the sales order voucher.

Net Amount

This is the net amount of the item in the sales order voucher.

Tax Group

This is the tax group of the item in the sales order voucher.

Tax Amount

This is the tax amount of the item in the sales order voucher.

Final Amount

This is the final amount of the item in the sales order voucher.


Terms & Conditions

This includes the terms and conditions for the specific sales order voucher.

Late Cut

This includes the details for the late cut.

Days From

This is the number of days from which the late cut has to be paid.

Cut %

This is the late cut percentage.

Cut Amount

This is the amoount in rupees to be cut for late delivery.

Deposit Fine

This includes the details for the deposit fine.

Days From

This is the number of days from which the fine has to be paid.

Cut %

This is the deposit fine percentage.

Cut Amount

This is the amoount in rupees to be cut for deposit fine.

Excess Cut

This includes the details for the excess cut.

Days From

This is the number of days from which the excess cut has to be paid.

Cut %

This is the excess cut percentage.

Cut Amount

This is the amoount in rupees to be cut for excess item delivery.

Shortage Cut

This includes the details for the shortage cut.

Days From

This is the number of days from which the shortage cut has to be paid.

Cut %

This is the shortage cut percentage.

Cut Amount

This is the amoount in rupees to be cut for insufficient item delivery.

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