Receipt Note Voucher

This voucher include all the details of the receipt note vouchers.


Invoice Details

Voucher date

This is the purchase order voucher date.

Voucher No

This is the purchase order voucher number.

Bill details

This is the purchase order voucher bill details including bill date, bill number, reference number.


This is to select the name of the pricelist associated with the receipt note vouchers.


This is to select the name of the incharge person associated with the receipt note vouchers.


This is to select the location of the branch associated with the receipt note vouchers.


This is a field to enter any additional information or remark regarding this receipt note vouchers.

Sub Total 1

This is the sub total for the specific receipt note vouchers.

Dis/Round off

This is the round off details of the specific receipt note vouchers. It includes Discount percentage, Discount amount, Sub total 2, Round off.

Final Amount

This is the final amount for the specific receipt note vouchers.



Item Details

Item Code

This is the unique item code associated with the items in the receipt note vouchers.

Item Name

This is the name of the item in the receipt note vouchers.


This is the name of the account head for the items in the specific receipt note vouchers.


This is the quantity of the item in the receipt note vouchers.


This is the unit of the item in the receipt note vouchers.


This is the rate of the item in the receipt note vouchers.

Gross Amount

This is the gross amount of the item in the receipt note vouchers.

Discount Percentage

This is the discount percentage of the item in the receipt note vouchers.

Discount Amount

This is the discount amount of the item in the receipt note vouchers.

Net Amount

This is the net amount of the item in the receipt note vouchers.

Tax Group

This is the tax group of the item in the receipt note vouchers.

Tax Amount

This is the tax amount of the item in the receipt note vouchers.

Extra Cost %

This is the extra percentage of the item in the receipt note vouchers.

Extra Cost Amt

This is the extra cost amount of the item in the receipt note vouchers.

Cost perItem

This is the cot per item of the items in the receipt note vouchers.

Total Cost

This is the total cost of the item associated in the receipt note vouchers.

Final Amount

This is the final amount of the item in the receipt note vouchers.

Serial No.

This is the serial number of the item in the receipt note vouchers.


This is to provide any additional information or narration to the particular item in the receipt note vouchers.


Accounted To


This is to select the name of the party associated with the specific receipt note vouchers.


This is the address of the party associated with the specific receipt note vouchers.


This is to select the state name of the party associated with the specific receipt note vouchers.


Mapped Bills

Thia is the mapped bills associated with the receipt note vouchers.


Pending Bills

This is the details of the pending bill associated either with the purchase, purchase order or the sales return.

Voucher Branch

This is the name of the branch associated with the pending receipt note vouchers.

Voucher Type

This is the type of the pending receipt note vouchers.

Voucher Date

This is the date of the pending receipt note vouchers.

Voucher No.

This is the number of the pending receipt note vouchers.

Voucher Status

This is the status of the pending receipt note vouchers.

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