Payment Voucher

This voucher include all the details of the payment vouchers.


Main Details

Voucher date

This is the vouchers date.

Voucher No

This is the voucher number.

Bill details

This is the voucher bill details including bill date, bill number, reference number.


This is a field to enter any additional information or remark regarding this voucher.

Payment Mode

This is the mode of payment of the specific payment voucher.


On A/C

This is the name of the account head to which the advance payment is done.

Cr. Days

This is the credit days for the specific payment voucher.


This is the advance payment amount.

Against Bills

This is the amount in rupees against the bill.

Against Account

This is the amount in rupees against the account.

Final Amount

This is the final amount in rupees.


Mapped Bills

Voucher Type

This is the type of voucher associated with the bills of specific payment voucher.


This is the voucher number associated with the bills of specific payment voucher.


This is the date of voucher associated with the bills of specific payment voucher.


This is the name of party associated with the bills of specific payment voucher.

Due On

This is the due date associated with the bills of specific payment voucher.

Bill Amount

This is the bill amount associated with the bills of specific payment voucher.


This is the particulars associated with the bills of specific payment voucher.

Previous Advice

This is the previous advice associated with the bills of specific payment voucher.

Previous Payment

This is the previous payment associated with the bills of specific payment voucher.

Balance Amount

This is the balance amount associated with the bills of specific payment voucher.


This is the amount associated with the bills of specific payment voucher.

Mapped Accounts


This is the name of the account head associated with the specific payment voucher.


This is the name of the particulars associated with the specific payment voucher.


This is the amount associated with the specific payment voucher.

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