Item Group

Item group is a grouping done on all the items in the item master based on their similarities.

item group


This is the unique identification code generated by the system for every item group.


This is the name of the item group.

Parent Group

This is the name of the group to which the item group to be created is a child.


This is the unique code assigned to classify the commodities into various sections, chapters, headings, and sub-headings for convenience.

Tax Group

This is the name of the group to which the tax percentage of the item group to be created comes under.

Margin %

This is the percentage diffference in the purchase and sales rate of items under the specific item group.

Discount %

This is the maximum allowed percentage of discount that can be applied on the items in the specific item group.


This is a field to enter any additional information or remark regarding this item group.

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