Indent Voucher Type

This voucher include all the details of the indent voucher types. Indent voucher types are used to create indent vouchers.

indent voucher type

Voucher Numbering

Date From

This is the starting date for the vocuher.


This is the prefx numbering for the voucher.


This is the suffix numbering for the voucher.

Start Number

This is the starting number for the voucher.

Minimum of Digits

This is the minimum digits for the numbering of voucher.

indent voucher type

Print File

Total No. of Prints

This is the number of copies for printing.


This is the name of the print file of the voucher.


This is the type of the print file.


This is the selected files for print.


THis is the defaults for the print file of the voucher.

indent voucher type

indent voucher type


Indent Permission


This is the title of the indent voucher.


This is the name of the team assigned to the vocuher.

Level no. for view

This is the level number for view for the voucher.

From Day

This is the starting date for the vocuher.

To Day

This is the ending date for the vocuher.


View Only

Select the check box if the particular voucher requires view only permission.

Verification Mandatory

Select the check box if verification is mandatory for this particular voucher.

Item Suggestion

Select the check box if item suggestion is mandatory for this particular voucher.

Supplier Suggestion

Select the check box if supplier suggestion is mandatory for this particular voucher.

View Rate

Select the check box if view rate permission is mandatory for this particular voucher.

View Additional Info

Select the check box if view additional information permission is mandatory for this particular voucher.


Select the check box if finalize permission is mandatory for this particular voucher.

View Log Details

Select if the log details need to be viewed with title.

indent voucher type


Indent Options

Indent Valid Days

This is the number of days for which the indent voucher is to be valid.

Generate separate purchase order based on for branch (Requested Branch)

Select the check box if separate PO is to be generatedfor the branch.

indent voucher type


This is the list of departments of the specific indent voucher.

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