Indent Voucher

This voucher include all the details of the indent vouchers.

indent voucher

indent voucher

Voucher Date

This is the indent voucher created date.

Voucher No.

This is the indent voucher number.


This is the indent voucher title.

Open on

This is the indent voucher opened date.

Expired on

This is the indent voucher expired date.

Extend Expire Date

This is to extend the expiry date. Select the new date of expire.

Item Details

For Branch

This is the name of the branch associated with the indent voucher.


This is the name of the supplier associated with the indent voucher.


This is the name of the items associated with the indent voucher.


This is the quantity associated with the item in the indent voucher.


This is the unit associated with the item in the indent voucher.


This is the rate associated with the item in the indent voucher.

Last Sales Rate

This is the last sales rate associated with the item in the indent voucher.

Last Purchase Rate

This is the last purchase rate associated with the item in the indent voucher.

Additional Cost

This is the additional cost associated with the item in the indent voucher.

Landing Cost

This is the landing cost associated with the item in the indent voucher.


This is the suggestions associated with the item in the indent voucher. It can be quantity, supplier, rate, and remark.

Net Amount

This is the net amount associated with the item in the indent voucher.

Tax Group

This is the tax group associated with the item in the indent voucher.

Tax Amount

This is the tax amount associated with the item in the indent voucher.

Final Amount

This is the final amount associated with the item in the indent voucher.

Rebate Amount

This is the rebate amount associated with the item in the indent voucher.

Settlement Discount Amount

This is the settlement discount amount associated with the item in the indent voucher.

Effective Net Cost

This is the effecive net cost associated with the item in the indent voucher.

Delivered At

This is the dleivery location associated with the item in the indent voucher.

indent voucher

Mapped Voucher


This is the name of the branch to which the voucher is mapped.


This is the type of the voucher.

Voucher Date

This is the voucher date.

Voucher No.

This is the voucher number.

indent voucher

indent voucher


Updated Date

This is te voucher updated date.

Updated Time

This is the voucher updated time.


This is the user associated with the voucher.


This is the quantity associated with the voucher.


This is the supplier associated with the voucher.


This is the rate associated with the voucher.


This is a field to enter any additional information or remark regarding this indent voucher.

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