Indent Template

This voucher include all the details of the indent templates.

indent template

indent template


This is the name of the branch.


This is the name of the item.

Item Code

This is the unique code of an item.

Sales Qty

This is the sales quantity of an item.


This is the unit of the item.

Sales %

This is the percentage of sales of an item.

Avg. Sales

This is the average sales of an item.

Last Sales Rate

This is the last sales rate of an item.

Last Purchase Rate

This is the last purchase rate of an item.

Additional Cost

This is the additional cost of an item.

Landing Cost

This is the landing cost of an item.

Demand Qty


This is the forcasted demand quantity of an item.

Delivery Pending

This is the pending delivery for the demand quantity of an item.

Sales Order

This is the sales order for the demand quantity of an item.

Supply Qty

Current Stock

This is the current stock of the suppluy quantity.

Pending PO

This is the pending purchase order of the supply quantity.


This is the amount of excess/shortage of item.

Excess/Shortage %

This is the percentage of excess/shortage of item.

For PO


This is the name of the supplier for the corresponding purchase order.


This is the quantity of item for the corresponding purchase order.

Estimated Rate

This is the estimated rate for the corresponding purchase order.

Rebate Rate

This is the rebate rate of an item.

Settlement Discount Rate

This is the settlement discount rate of an item.

Effective Net Rate

This is the effective net rate of an item.

Pending Indent Qty

This is the pending indent quantity of an item.

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