Indent Book Issue

This master include all the details of the issued indent books.

indent book issue


This is the unique identification code generated by the system for every indent book issued.

Indent No.

This is the indent number.

Indent Date

This is the indent date.

Vehicle No.

This is to select the vehicle number to which the specific indent book is issued.


This is to select the party to which the specific indent book is issued.

Issue date

This is the indent book issued date.

Book No.

This is the issued indent book number.

Indent book


This is the prefix of the indent book numer.

From No.

This is the leaf number from which the indent is to be created.

No. of leafs

This is the number of leafs assigned to this particular indent.


This is a field to enter any additional information or remark regarding the specific indent book issued.

Leaf No.

This is the leaf number of a particular indent.


This is the particular corresponding to the specific leaf number.

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